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I'm sorry it toke so long just been doing a lot but Gaia (Buttons) is amazing she fits right into the family I'm so happy we got her she is very healthy and we have her n puppy class right now n she is going great very playful she loves playing but I will send more pics if u would like just let me know.
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Hey Judy here is Violet and her brother Champ.  Her personality is great! She's the sweetest and smartest girl!  I already want another one! Hehe. Maybe next year! They play so good together it's great!!
                           Hi Judy,
"Rex “T -Rex” is such an amazing, sweet, smart, goofy loving dog. He is an AKC good citizen! I have never met one like Rex. He is so warm and friendly that everyone he meets immediately falls in love with him. He doesn’t know how to be aggressive or mean, - he literally “doesn’t have a bad bone in his body! He plays with all kinds of dogs and is careful to be gentle with the tiny ones. He is in great health the doctor says he is literally “perfect” and I can’t think of any other word to describe him. He loves his two “brothers" and his “sister" and his four cat friends. You can never be sad with Rex around he brings joy and light wherever he goes. He is truly a wonderful dog who has brought so much joy to my life and to all the people he meets. Thank you so much to Sweetkist Dobermans for bringing Rex into my life."
                    Thanks,  Glory
Also, next time you have a litter, especially if you have any black and tans can you please keep me in mind? Rex is just so amazing and special I am sure all the dogs you breed are just as lovely and I would love another one.
Beautiful Adalaide!!
Sorry to take so long to send this is Bentley the Bassett hard to believe Ada was smaller than Bea when she came home.

Her ears are beautiful and did not need to be re-taped.
She's so perfect!  We absolutely love her temperment.
She loves fetch too!!  
My first fetching dobie.  Loves water too!  My others all hated fetch and water lol
He is a Live Wire!!  Love him!  Had a blast outside since I got home, now they're both zonked out.
Tyson's doing great!  Growing like a weed, quick learner AND stubborn at times, love him!!
Athena (Cookie) loves to guard the babies when we're on a walk!  See how her fur is up?  She's walking sideways too.  Other dogs are barking at her.
Hi!  Can't believe Athena (Cookie) is almost seven months old already.  She's already 70 lbs, loves playing outside, and loves cuddling us and the other two dogs.. Hope all is well!
Hi Judy!  This is Miranda.  We got Athena formerly Cookie, from you about a year ago.  She's the best dog and has the biggest heart!  We were wondering if you have any puppies or even adults available.  Hope all is well!
Hello!  My name is Kyle and we bought Axel (DOB 07/30/2019).  We renamed him Apollo and I wanted to tell you how pleased we are with him.  He's very well behaved, hasn't given us any health problems, and he's extremely handsome.  Over the last 2 years we've had uncountable compliments along the lines of "the best looking Doberman I've ever seen".